Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Sock Monkey The First

Brief knitting hiatus yesterday, as I could finally finish the Sock Monkey thanks to welcome gift of Kapok.

Here he is - I think I might call him Tigger! I love that his ears are frayed (happy accident, as difficult to whip stitch something so small). He is both hand and machine stitched, and quite a cheeky chappy.

I had a delightful visit from a snuffly little hedgehog yesterday. My neighbour knocked very gently on my door last night, and motioned "sssshhhhh...." as soon as I opened the door. When she does this, it usually means something really exciting - special bird, woodpecker, ocassional random cow in the garden, baby squirrel ...... this time round it was our slug eating friend, the Hedgehog! We stood still, it stood still....all three of us thinking "if I stay here really quiet, it/they won't notice me". It worked, until a mad jogger jogged past. It (the hedgehog, that is) scittled off into the undergrowth and continued with its snuffling. Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo, which is a shame, as I would have loved to share it with you.

I love these simple pleasures.

This morning, I put Tigger in his new home, in my Car Garden (aka The Carden) - he has settled in already, sitting with Mr Messy, Wonkey and Mrs Spots.

I know - I need help.

Sunday, 28 June 2009


Not much movement on the Knitting front. I have "liberated" some Cariad from a friends stash, which is earmarked for Margarete Dolffs' (Maz on Rav) "Guinevere" in this months Yarn Forward - an eye poppingly gorgeous sock. It's an advanced pattern, so I anticipate numerous problems and a huge learning curve. Maz spotted my rave review on Rav (try saying that after a few ABC's!) and kindly offered assistance, so that should help take some of the pain away! They will still take me a long time, so the Pennies per hour of Happiness ratio should be very low.....

The Pomatomus has not progressed much. It's difficult to watch an open air Shakespeare play and follow a chart at the same time. I missed a YO and had to tink again. That was yesterday. Great play, lovely picnic, fab company, followed by night time fish and chips on the sea front - heaven!

Todays knitting was delayed due to a hugely welcomed Parental Visitation. And Cake. The Biggest Cake Ever. After a delicious carvery and a stroll on the Sea Front, we stopped for tea. We couldn't resist the laaargest piece of Strawberry and Cream Roulade, the size of a Dinner Plate, that served all three of us.

Parentals left, feeling very sleepy after Roast and Sea Air. They left me with beautiful home-grown carrots, onions and beetroot, Kapoc for stuffing Sock Monkeys and a Red Cross parcel full of essentials. I love that my folks think Brie and Oreos are essential - how great are they?

p.s. Visual Pomatomus Update - have you ever tried to photgraph your own feet? It ain't easy!!

Friday, 26 June 2009

I feel old.

I went to the Beach today with a friend and her 17 yr old son. He was very patient, strolled with us down the promenade for an hour or so, and was pleasant company over a cup of tea. Until......I listened in to one of his mp3 ear pieces, and he said "oh, you won't like it". It was Muse.

I felt old.

I had a little smile to myself because underneath this mild mannered exterior, lies a mispent youth - goings on that would shock said 17 year old. He can think I'm "past it" but I have a little secret.

When I was 17, I was slightly - ok a lot - wild. Glastonbury, Raves, Heavy Metal and Motorbikes.

I rocked. Really.

At his age, I thought my parents wouldn't get it either. How wrong was I? Now I am the same age they were, and I still feel funky, with it, trendy......oh dear. Simply by using these phrases, I am showing my age. And lack of coolness. But, believe me, I get it. I just don't see the point.
What happened? Once, I was Number One Party Girl........now, I knit.

But I'm still cool - aren't I?

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Knitting backwards.

Damn you DPN's, damn you Pomatomus ........nah, I love you really. It's me. All me. So here I am, tinking again.

So far, I've frogged you 3 times, tinked you twice, and now I'm on your third tink. Grrrrr........

The 3 frogs at the begining were due to a ladder on the cuff. I couldn't fix it on the ribbing, so I just ran with it. It disappears when stretched, so that's fine. Then I deliberated over tinking again due to a twisted yarn over, but some lovely bod reminded me that my feet are at least 4 ft from my eyes, unless I am a very bendy yoga freak. I can't see the "uniqueness" from that distance, so it stayed.

Then, I hit the heel turn. That was fine. The pick up, however, was somewhat off. I had a hole in the gusset join, which annoyed me. So, 4 rows after the pick up, I tinked. Then I tinked again, as I dropped my brain somewhere and couldn't read the chart. I got back to where I started from, did an extra row for good measure, then slept. I was fried.

That brings me to today. I picked up where I left off, and merrily knitted along. Backwards.

How could I have been so daft? The first socks I ever knit were done inside out (which amused my buddies no end), and I thought I had got rid of that bad habit. It's easy enough to do, but a pain in the proverbial as each time I wanted to check progress, I had to turn them the right way round. This time, I must have unconciously picked up the sticks and just started knitting back the way I had just come. Unconciously? Of course it was - I didn't do it on purpose!!!! Perhaps I was distracted by Jaikie, who is currently chasing moths against the window.

At least I'm getting lots of practice, if not lots of sleep!

Post The First - Moi? A blog?

I always wondered why people had blogs. Surely what I have to say can't be of interest to others! My life isn't James Bond exciting, but I like it that way.

That said, my life has taken a few strange turns lately. And I plan on being painfully honest with you.

Brief catchup: I used to be a career professional, with a longstanding involvement in the party culture perpetuated by high flyers. And no, it's not big and it's not clever, but hey. I knew I wasn't happy. I moved from The Big City to a small town, and learnt to enjoy The Quiet Life. And boy, do I enjoy it!

Anyhoo, recession bit, and along with it my job. Years of University study, specialism in career path and self-esteem - all down the pan. So, I finally had time to stand and stare. I made the most of it.

I have concluded that all paths have led me to here for a reason - and no, I'm not some hippy trippy spiritual bod. But, I do feel that I wasn't ready to listen and learn before.

I am listening and learning now. So, what have I learnt, and what is getting me through?


There, I've said it. In public. I love Knitting.

Without my new found Love Of The Sticks. I'm sure I would have gone totally doo-lally. I have learnt patience, focus, the ability to not cry when it all goes wrong - just rip it out, start again, and don't make the same mistakes. It mirrors all lifes lessons, the ones I didn't learn first time round. It is now such a major part of my life that I want to make it my living. I'm working on that part of the plan. It's funny where life takes you.

Knitting. A great healer. Like time, only you get socks at the end!