Sunday, 28 June 2009


Not much movement on the Knitting front. I have "liberated" some Cariad from a friends stash, which is earmarked for Margarete Dolffs' (Maz on Rav) "Guinevere" in this months Yarn Forward - an eye poppingly gorgeous sock. It's an advanced pattern, so I anticipate numerous problems and a huge learning curve. Maz spotted my rave review on Rav (try saying that after a few ABC's!) and kindly offered assistance, so that should help take some of the pain away! They will still take me a long time, so the Pennies per hour of Happiness ratio should be very low.....

The Pomatomus has not progressed much. It's difficult to watch an open air Shakespeare play and follow a chart at the same time. I missed a YO and had to tink again. That was yesterday. Great play, lovely picnic, fab company, followed by night time fish and chips on the sea front - heaven!

Todays knitting was delayed due to a hugely welcomed Parental Visitation. And Cake. The Biggest Cake Ever. After a delicious carvery and a stroll on the Sea Front, we stopped for tea. We couldn't resist the laaargest piece of Strawberry and Cream Roulade, the size of a Dinner Plate, that served all three of us.

Parentals left, feeling very sleepy after Roast and Sea Air. They left me with beautiful home-grown carrots, onions and beetroot, Kapoc for stuffing Sock Monkeys and a Red Cross parcel full of essentials. I love that my folks think Brie and Oreos are essential - how great are they?

p.s. Visual Pomatomus Update - have you ever tried to photgraph your own feet? It ain't easy!!

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